My biggest annoyance... bunnys and veg. Ever since I was 4 and had my first bunny I've never gave them much veg just a little treat on a Sunday when we have a dinner. Until one day I read online that bunnies should have veg daily, I wasn't convinced so I left it. I'd never had any problems with my bunnys only having a treat once a week sometimes even every other week. Then I started hobby breeding and when I bought a bun from a breeder she said they should have veg daily... so me wanting the best for my bunnies I started giving them all a handful of veg every day. That's when the problems started... runs, very smelly runs! Not good! The runs can kill a rabbit very quickly. I immediately stopped the veg and gave them some medicine to firm up their stools. Unfortunately I lost 3 bunnies in the process. NEVER AGAIN!!! My advise (like I said from experience) a tiny amount once every week or every other week. None until 3-4 months old. I feed my bunnies an egg cup full of rabbit nugget per kg of their weight (anything less than 1kg half an egg cup) in a morning and feeding hay on a night, the amount of feeding hay should be the same size as the rabbit. A handful of Kale or a leaf of spring greens on a Sunday. INTERESTING FACT- bunnies don't actually need nuggets or veg at all, just feeding hay. It's humans that decided rabbits need nugget! Wild rabbits WILL NOT eat root vegetables! Leaf greens and grass only x